Fruit Scheme

The school is part of the Fruit Scheme, which provides a free piece of fruit for children in Reception and Key Stage One.

We also offer fruit to children in Key Stage Two 

If you have any questions about the scheme, please speak to the school office.

Milk Scheme

If your child is under 5, they are entitled to free school milk. You will need to register to receive this - further details of how to do this can be obtained from the school office.

If your child is over 5, you also have the option to pay for milk.

You can register for your child at any time. If you have done so by Tuesday, Milk begins the following week.

School Meals

Our school meals are produced freshly every day in our school kitchen using quality ingredients. You can view the menu below.

The cost of a school meal

Key Stage 1: All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals. However, families with children in Key Stage 1 who are eligible for free school meals are still encouraged to  apply for additional funding known as pupil premium funding (see the links below).

Key Stage 2: Children in years 2 - 6 can continue to have a school meal. The cost is £3.50 per day, unless your child is entitled to free school meals.

FREE SCHOOL MEALS - Are you missing out?

To find out if you are eligible and apply online go to  If you have any questions, require any help or would like an application form, please don't hesitate to speak to Mrs Arbuthnott in the school office.  You can contact her on 01756 793030.

Packed Lunches

Children who prefer can bring a healthy packed lunch.  Please ensure that it is in a strong, sealed container that is clearly named.  Need ideas? Change4Life has lots of easy-to-prepare lunchbox ideas and tips.