We use Rising Stars and STEM learning to ensure our children have access to a broad and exciting science curriculum.  At Christ Church School we know that science education provides the foundations for understanding the world in which we live.  We believe that science lessons should stimulate children’s curiosity and imagination and inspire them to want to find out more and this is done through scientific enquiry.

Scientific enquiry describes the processes and skills that pupils are taught to find out more about the world and how it works and is embedded into each topic of work.  In science lessons, children will learn how to research, using primary and secondary sources and how to identify, classify and group organic and man-made things.  They will learn to design investigations using comparative and fair testing, seek patterns and carry out observations over time.  The National Curriculum which describes how children will develop their scientific enquiry skills as they move through the key stages. 

We want all pupils to develop the scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


Scientific enquiry is a good way to engage children with SEND, as it is usually active, creative or practical.  However some children require additional support and we do this through modelling and high quality questioning.  We also use videos, pictures and diagrams which can support visual learners, and we provide word mats and glossaries to support the use of scientific vocabulary.  Some children benefit from pre-teaching of concepts, or additional opportunities to discuss what they have been doing.  Visuals and vocabulary are also included on wall displays which supports retrieval between lessons. 

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