Our Vision is for our children to experience ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).

Feel good about themselves
Through our caring ethos and implementation of our Christian values, we work hard to help children to feel good about themselves. Talking to, and teaching children about physical and mental wellbeing is something we do daily: it runs throughout our curriculum, our Collective Worship, and our interactions in the classroom and in the playground.
We ensure children have a voice and feel respected in school. Children's groups give children opportunities to express their opinions and be included in decisions that involve and affect them.
By taking notice of children's successes, strengths, talents and interests, we help them to build their resilience and confidence and feel good about themselves.
Enjoy learning and achieving
We plan lessons that inspire, motivate and challenge our children. We encourage them to be inquisitive, to ask questions, to take risks with their learning and to stretch themselves. We celebrate successes big and small with children as they journey through the learning process.
Become positive members of the (global) community
Through Children's Groups and whole school activities, we support children to become good communicators, take on leadership roles and begin to understand and demonstrate courageous advocacy.