E-Safety and Safeguarding 

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Worried about internet safety and your children? Visit CEOP's thinkuknow website for more information and resources.


BBC CBeebies - Fun, games, stories, activities and more from the BBC.

BBC Famous People - Learn about Henry VIII, Florence Nightingale, Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London and many more.

BBC Schools - A variety of games, activities and information for all curriculum areas.

BBC Schools Primary Subjects - Resources for the primary curriculum.

Education City - A great site with fun activities in literacy, maths and science.

ICT Games - A good website with lots of ideas particularly useful for numeracy games.

Numeracy Software - Free numeracy software to support mathematics teaching in schools.

Primary Games - Educational games for the primary classroom.

Top Marks - Lots of games and activities to support literacy and numeracy.


Helping your child with fluency, reasoning and problem solving - ideas for activities you use to support your child in developing their maths skills at home.

Maths Out and About Cards - fantastic activites for every occasion including a car journey and the supermarket!

Crickweb KS1 – a fabulous resource with all sorts of mathematics activities.

Crickweb KS2 – more maths resources for KS2

Bitesize KS1   - fun activities from the BBC to help children at KS1 learn more about Maths.

Bitesize KS2 – a super way to prepare for KS2 SATs

Conker maths – a way to help you learn Key Instant Recall Facts

Maths on Target - Helping Your Child with Maths - useful ideas on how you can help at home

Sumdog - helping your child develop their mental maths skills, each child has their own personal log in.


The Children’s Poetry Archive – a site with lots of access to

Spelling Match  - how good is your spelling? Find out here!

Starship English from the BBC – access many fun literacy activities here.

Storymaker – from the British Council. Create a story online.

Dance Mat Typing - how quick can you become?


Below is a short video to help explain how to say the different phonemes (sounds):



Nature Explorers – Explore different parts of nature

Mouth Power – learn how to look after your mouth really well

BBC Science – a wealth of science resources you can access to help you learn all sorts of science stuff!